• 091-0612-2631121
  • ao.rmrip@icmr.gov.in

Important Notification: 1. Syllabus for Admission for the PhD programme in RMRIMS for the Academic Year 2024-2025 for Calcutta University 2. Walk-In Interview for the Posts of Research Assistant and Data Entry Operator - Download Form 3. Final result for the post of Laboratory Attendant-I (Laboratory Support) 4. Admission in the Ph.D. programme at RMRIMS for the Academic Year 2024-25. - Download Apllication Form 5. AcSIRPh.D result 6. Final Result For Technical Staff Advt. No. RMRIMS/Tech/01/2023 7. LIST OF SELECTED CANDIDATES (AcSIR) 8. LIST OF SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES FOR INTERVIEW (AcSIR Ph.D Course) 9. Notice for Recruitment against advertisement No: 01/2023 10. WALK-IN-INTERVIEW NOTICE- for cancellation of advertisement for recruitment of project staff at ICMR-RMRIMS. 11. Final date of Presentation for BIDNO: GEM/2024/B/4856039 for Contracting of External Agency for Outsourcing of Manpower Through GeM Under Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS). 12. Presentation for BIDNO: GEM/2024/B/4856039 for Contracting of External Agency for Outsourcing of Manpower Through GeM Under Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS).

RMRIMS Publications

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