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Vector Biology & Control RMRIMS, Patna


Division of Vector Biology and Control was previously named as Division of Entomology till 1994. Research on sandfly vector of Kala-azar Phlebotomus argentipes (Diptera: Psychodidae) Annandale and Brunetti is mandatory of this Division. In addition this Division is also contributing research inputs during epidemics of other vector borne diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and Japanese Encephalitis in Bihar and Chandipura viral diseases in Orissa. The main area of research is vector biology and control along with epidemiological and ecological parameters. This division has contributed 35 intramural projects and dozens of extramural projects sponsored by ICMR-Vector Science Forum, ICMR-Task Force, Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, NVBDCP; SPEAK India, Welcome Trust, European Union (Kalanet), KalaCore, etc. There are more than 300 research papers in the credit of different scientists of this division. This division has been imparting training to the stake holders, Institutions, Medical Officers, Insecticide spray supervisors, students on entomological aspects of Kala-azar and other vectors. Students from different universities come for their dissertation work on biological, molecular and control aspects of sandflies. In total 7 students were supervised for Ph.D research work and 6 were awarded with the Ph.D. Degree. Development of Vaishali model in elimination of Kala-azar is one of the major achievements including establishment of remote sense parameters, DDT resistance in sandfly, replacement of stirrup pump by compression pump and DDT by Alphacypermethrin in the programme. Research on Vector bionomics, xenomonitoring and insecticide dose discrimination in sandflies is continuing. The Division is also supporting Bihar State Govt in other vector borne diseases.


1. Insectary with sandfly colony; 2. Logistics for field work like CDC light trap, mechanical aspirator, mouth aspirator and sticky traps for collection of sandflies; 3. Compression and stirrup pump with accessories for training of IRS; 4. Tube and Cone bioassay facility for bio-assay test; 5. PCR, Electrophoresis and accessories for molecular-entomological work; 6. SDS Page electrophoresis, ELISA reader for proteomics; 7. Soxhlet apparatus for plant extract;






