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BiochemistryRMRIMS, Patna


The Department of Biochemistry at the ICMR-RMRIMS, Patna is mainly focused on research activities around the following areas: (i) Cellular redox homeostasis and thiol metabolism; (ii) Mechanism of drug resistance; (iii) Drug screening and testing; (iv) Fe-S cluster assembly and iron homeostasis; (v) Cytokine profiling and biochemical markers of pathogenesis; (vi) Development of diagnostic tools and identification of vaccine candidates and (vii) Host-pathogen interactions and defense mechanism. The department is well equipped with a rich collection of instruments and research facilities. The scientists have shown excellence in their research work and have published research papers in several high impact peer-reviewed national and international journals and their projects attract funds from various reputed agencies like DST, ICMR, CSIR etc. The expertise of scientists has also been used in editorial work of various scientific journals and also in scientific advisory committee. The quality work of the department has attracted many bright students from various states for Post-Doctoral and Ph. D. programmes. The department also offers workshops in special techniques, training to various under and posts graduate students, and short term research projects. The supporting staffs are actively involved in maintaining the laboratories and the facilities.







